Move More Referral Instructor
Role within Jersey Sport: Move More Referral Instructor
Employment history: Jane is a Level 4 Move More Referral Instructor with more than a dozen years experience in the field. She is also a Personal Trainer at Les Quennevais Gym and designs weight resistance and cardio programmes for all levels of abilities. Jane has a strong understanding of health promotion and the fitness industry, including disability, specialised conditions and working with the elderly. She is REP’s certified and fully insured.
High level / Sports related qualifications:
Safeguarding children & adults
Obesity and Diabetes
Level 4 Cardiac Rehab
Level 4 Gym instructor
GP Exercise Referral
Weight Management specialist
Re-Evolutionary Planning
Transgender in the work place
Back Assessment Clinic Attendance
Emergency First Aid
De-Fib Qualified
Nordic Walking
Power Plate
Pre & Post Natal
Circuit Training
Spinning Instructor
Hobbies: When she isn’t spending time with her family, Jane loves the active lifestyle and spends a lot of time in the gym or walking around Jersey’s stunning coastal paths.