Based at the cycle track behind Les Quennevais Sports Centre, we are pleased to welcome you to Jersey’s first inclusive cycling centre. We have a range of adapted cycles that enable adults and children with disabilities or mobility issues, to enjoy riding in a safe, outdoor space. Our sessions are inclusive for disabled people and their families, carers or friends to enjoy. With the support of our qualified instructors and volunteers, we will help participants try our cycles to find one that suits them.
Our vision is to create an environment and opportunities to enhance the lives of people living with a disability by ensuring that anyone can access the physical, emotional, practical and social benefits of cycling. We will work to remove or overcome any barriers that prevent an individual from cycling – we want to help people to cycle on a regular basis, regardless of age, impairment or ability so they can begin to weave more exercise into their lifestyle, to improve their mental and physical wellbeing.
This inclusive cycle centre would not have been brought to life without the help from our sponsors, our dedicated team of staff and volunteers. We rely on the generosity of donations to keep the centre running. Whether a small donation or a larger gift, every contribution helps us bring the joy of cycling to more people with disabilities.
Together, we can create a world where everyone can Cycle Without Limits.
We appreciate your support:
If you would like to volunteer at the centre, please register your interest below:
Thanks to the generosity of Ocorian Trust, Enable Jersey, HSBC Channel Islands, The Rotary Club of Jersey, The Lions Club of Jersey, Claire Etienne, and with donations from participants and family members, we have been able to purchase a wide range of adapted bikes including trikes, recumbent bikes, handcycles, companion bikes and a power-assisted wheelchair transporter. We hope, over time, we will be able to grow this range even further.
The Cycle Without Limits cycle centre is based behind Les Quennevais Sports Centre, near the nursery, changing rooms and children’s outdoor play area. Look for the sign on the wall of the Cycle Without Limits garage.
You’ll find details of all the Cycle Without Limits sessions available to book in the Move More Ability timetable below. Our team of trained staff and volunteers will be at hand once you arrive to assist and guide you during your visit, so you can get the most out of your Cycle Without Limits experience.
Currently the centre can take up to 15-20 people per cycling session (including support/carers). PLEASE NOTE ALL UNDER 18s MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A RESPONSIBLE ADULT. Cycling for under 18s, over 18s and groups can be booked during the following sessions:
Please meet at our Cycle Without Limits centre at Les Quennevais cycle track.
Additional Cycle Without Limits sessions may be offered, please contact us for more details.
If you would like to book a place for yourself, your client, family member or a group from your organisation to cycle, you will need to register with Move More Jersey by completing the online registration form below:
Please ensure you complete the form for everyone attending (including care workers , parents, sisters etc). Once you have submitted your details, our Move More Jersey team will then be in touch to confirm your booking.
For anyone who has previously registered with Move More, please email to book your session.
Please read the cycle centre’s Ground Rules, before returning your registration form:
Should you need help to complete your registration form, please call 01534 757704 and our team will be able to complete the form over the telephone with you.
We will confirm your booking by sending you a confirmation email. Please do not attend the centre if you have not received booking confirmation of your session, as you will not be allowed to cycle.
We’d really like to share the love for cycling and the Cycling Without Limits centre, so please tag your cycling experience photos on social media using #CycleWithoutLimits and #MoveMoreJersey.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you soon!